The Legend of the Arctic Hares And why they Change Colour in Winter Time - Along time ago in the Arctic forest lived a rabbit. She was a
little brown rabbit. She was born when the sky was blue, green,
pink, purple and orange. - The little rabbit liked the colours of the sky so much she
wanted to be those colours. The rabbit tried and tried, but she
just couldn't change herself into these colours. - It was getting close to winter, the little rabbit needed food.
Mama rabbit told her daughter . " Now go get food!" - As the little rabbit left she asked her Mom " Is it safe out
there ?" - " Yes " answered Mom .
- When the little rabbit came back home it was raining. For 5
days it rained none stop. On the 6th day the rain stopped . A
beautiful shinning rainbow appeared in the sky. - The little rabbit looked at all the beautiful colours in the
sky and wished he could be all those colours. The little rabbit
was very upset that he would never be able to change colours. - Just then snowflakes fell on her back. She tried to shake them
off but just couldn't. She noticed she was now white. The little
rabbit felt very excited because she was no longer brown and was a
beautiful white . Still she was a little disappointed because she
wasn't the colours of the rainbow. Mostly she was proud of her
white coat. - Today if see an Arctic hare you'll remember that it turns
white in the winter because the snow flakes stuck to his back. Now
all Arctic hares turn white in the winter. by Alyssa M.