and the Dee-Dot's
Trivia Quiz
True or False
1. During World War Two the Cadbury Factory, made Gas Masks instead of chocolate.
2. A man in the 1720s lived for 30 years on a diet of only soup, biscits and chocolate. He lived to be 100.
3. Quality Street chocolates, launched in 1936, were named after a play by J. M. Barrie,
the author of Peter Pan.
4. Writer Roald Dahl used to test the chocolates in the nearby Cadbury factory when he
was a schoolboy at Repton.
5. The world's longest banana split was 1.6 miles long.
6. Forrest Mars studied the mixing of cement to learn how to mix ingredients for chocolate .
7. Marilyn Monroe used to keep her hair healthy by using chocolate shampoo daily.
8. Too much sugar destroys the flavour of chocolate.
9. In New York you can get a bust of yourself made of chocolate, but don't forget to take Lots of Pennies.
10. Before the days of drug testing, Olympic athletes were sometimes fed a Mars bar before
a race to give them an extra kick.
The answers can be found at the bottom of THE EARTH GODDESS, An Aztec Legend, below.