First a Little bit of Chinese Wisdom.

Uproar in Heaven
In a small town in China, four merchants joined in furnishing a small shop, which they stocked with cotton goods. To keep the mice from gnawing their stock they obtained a cat, and in order to keep the equal division of their property, they agreed that one quarter of the cat should belong to each partner, the quarters being distinguished by the separate paws in which they ended.
One day the cat hurt her left fore-paw, and the owner of that special quarter carefully wrapped the paw in cotton wool soaked in oil. Unfortunately the cat went too near the fire, and the cotton wool caught the flame, and the cat running into the shop, the bales of cotton were set on fire, and the cat, cotton, and shop were soon reduced to ashes.
The three partners who owned the cat's sound paws now brought an action against the owner of the injured paw to recover the value of their property. The magistrate, after carefully considering the case, gave the following decision.
'The cat certainly could not use the injured paw to walk on, therefore it was the three sound paws which took the cat to the fatal fire, and from there into the shop where the cotton was. These three paws were consequently the cause of the whole trouble, and their owners are obliged to compensate the owner of the injured paw for the loss he has sustained.'
There must be a Confucian Saying to this quandary but I don't know one off hand.
Uproar in Heaven
1960s Chinese Animation Movie.
Not much dialogue, and I have no English subs.
Not much dialogue, and I have no English subs.