Sunday, August 8, 2010

Diddily and the Dee-Dot's : Blog

Diddily and the Dee-Dot's : Blog: "Sat, 07 Aug 2010
Just a little something to remember the World Cup 2010,
I thought this was a really great poem.

What is name called?FIFA

Football a game called,
To a known arena called stadium,
Played eleven to eleven side to side each,
In aims of a two goal post net,
In aims of a trophy,
In a colour Jersey of its kinds
Side to side balls picking sons round,
Spectators sat rounding pitch watching,
Centred with a nominated referee officiating,
Lined with a two lines men flagged,
Pronounced by named commentators,
Red and yellow cards rules in question,
Supported with sorts of supporters,
Host the nations, Host the world,
At a moment of a country designated!
At a moment of a country authorized!
Called for all practitioners....
Photographer, Press, Media,
Adverts, Sponsors, critics, etc.

What is a name called? The Winners hold the cup

Football! football! ! football! ! !
A round leather circled!
Circled in its colour of its choice,

Football a game called,

With boots of its kinds worn,
Saddled a whole lot supporters,
Saddled a whole lot analysts,
Presumption for a nation's glory,
Pre-emptive individuals' desirably for survival,

Football a game called,

Called to the passionate in spirit.

Football a game called,

Embrace understanding to unnamed,
Embrace love to unloved,
Embrace unity to diversities,
Embrace creativity to UN-creativity,

Football a game called,
The Jules Reme Trophy
Adore a nature,

Football a game called,

Called to a glorious home,

Football a game called,
A round leather circled!
With boots of its played,
With jersey of its kinds,
With choices of many kinds

Football a game called.

Thanks from:
South America in the Electronic Passport

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