Diddilydeedot's Dreamland
This Baby is called William
William James
They used to call him "Baby dear" -
Now he has other names;
They've put him into trousers,
and they call him William James.
He means to walk to London Town
To see what he can see;
But he has only reached the gate,
When it was time for tea.
"I think our William James has grown up some more, but now
he has an idea of going farther than London this time!"
A Chip of the Old Block
I'm only FIVE but soon I'll be
A British sailor on the sea ;
On Daddy's ship I mean to sail
To fight the foe and brave the gale.
When I am SIX I'll try to learn
Which is the bow and which the stern ;
I'll climb the masts, and fire the guns,
And live on chocolate and buns.
I shall be wrecked and swim ashore ;
Then all alone - shan't I be brave ? -
I'll live like Crusoe in a cave.
When I am TEN I shall, you know,
An admiral be like Jellicoe ;
I'll wear a sword and cocked hat fine,
And never go to bed till nine..
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