Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dr Dodiddily and the Dee-Dot's : Blog

Dr Dodiddily and the Dee-Dot's : Blog: "Tue, 09 Nov 2010
San Marino is a wonderful place, TravelerMala has some lovely things to say about it.
Dr. DoDiddily and the Dee Dot's Dee and Dot

Italy and its Neighbours
Italy - Malta - Vatican City - San Marino
Sicily - Florence

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I have never been to San Marino but I have found someone who has and this is what she tells us about it.

Traveler MalaAlong with her Pictures.

Please welcome 'Traveler Mala.'

Hey there,,

If ever you were interested in my past, present or future location, you've found a wealth of knowledge here.San Marino

To be honest, it was an obsession that motivated our visit to San Marino. I'm now at the point where if there is a country that we haven't visited within a reasonable distance we simply have to tag it. By we, of course, I actually mean me.

San MarinoSo it was without much prior research or knowledge of the tiny republic, that we set out through multiple awkward train and bus connections to simply get there and not much more. Maybe this is an injustice to San Marino, but it is also a blessing. Without expectations, we were free to be totally blown away.

San Marino
Few cities and likely no other city-states have such a dramatic natural setting. It's as if someone put a city on top of Uluru. It commands sweeping vertigo-inducing views in all directions. In some spots the cliffs drop off at such a dramatic angle, the effect is more of being in a giant lonely skyscraper, rather than on a mountain.

San Marino

The buildings and narrow roads have been built with a gorgeous natural rough cut stone that doesn't fight the landscape but rather feels like a natural progression.

San Marino

Some people may not appreciate the slightly sanitized feel of the place. There's no litter or graffiti or beggars on the picturesque lanes. There is instead a crossing guard on the one 'busy' street watching out for the safety of the pedestrians; not that anyone drives too quickly along the side of a cliff. But if I had a country half the size of Liechtenstein and with only 30,000 citizens it'd make it sparkle too.



Just above here is four wonderful Fairy Tales all in Italian (I think)


'Like the guardian angel assigned to children at birth, to accompany and protect them on the road to life', wrote the brothers Grimm once upon a time: 'fairy tales have an important role in linking the primeval conceptions of a child's observation with the real world of adults, and introducing one to the other, in part by the way they are spread, in part by their intrinsic nature. They nourish the imagination with the immediacy of milk, light and refreshing, or like honey, sweet and nourishing, without earthly weight.' Children need the affective communication of good fairy tales to regenerate the soul, to develop self-confidence, to overcome their fears, to grow and become conscious adults.

Stamps from San Marino

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