Dr. Dodiddily and the Dee Dot's Travels
Dr. DoDiddily and the Dee-Dot's
A special set of pages for all the Children of the World.
Please enjoy these little stories, dances and songs
whilst I get on with adding lots of wonderful things to your front page
Welcome everyone, be you a boy or a girl, with Dolly or with Ted.
Welcome to this brand new world where you can rest your head.
If it's stories that you long for, or tales from other lands,
Then find your world amongst the page and let me take your hand.
We'll fly in planes , take boats and trains. to a place you've never seen,
and leave with lots of memories, tell your teacher where you've been.
So climb inside this little world and let me take you there.
Tell Mum and Dad "Don't Worry," I'll make sure you take care."
Now I'm sure you all know this but on September 20, 1519 five ships, The Trinidad, San Antonio, Victoria,
Concepcion and Santiago, under the command of Ferdinand magellan, set out to travel west, from Spain
and return from the east. News of the terrors and dangers of the journey - through the empty Pacific,
difficulties of finding fresh water and food, the strange cultures of
the natives - only served to increase the fascination with new horizons.
difficulties of finding fresh water and food, the strange cultures of
the natives - only served to increase the fascination with new horizons.
himself was to lose his life en route in 1521, and it was delCano who
brought the single surviving ship back to Spain in September 1522.
himself was to lose his life en route in 1521, and it was delCano who
brought the single surviving ship back to Spain in September 1522.
expedition members had suffered mutiny and desetion,disease and famine,
attacks by natives, even involvement in local wars, and the treachery
of supposed allies but they had proven the the Spice Islands could be
reached by sailing west. However they concluded that the length of
the voyage made it unecomomic, but they however proved that the World
was round and it was possible to sail around her.
expedition members had suffered mutiny and desetion,disease and famine,
attacks by natives, even involvement in local wars, and the treachery
of supposed allies but they had proven the the Spice Islands could be
reached by sailing west. However they concluded that the length of
the voyage made it unecomomic, but they however proved that the World
was round and it was possible to sail around her.
Victoria and Trinidad made it to the Spice Islands, but only the
Victoria sailed on to make it back to Spain and to prove to the World
that a round trip on water could be made. For lots more information on
Indonesia and her surrounding countries , just click to the left where
it says - Indonesia - it's as easy as that . xxx Dr. Dodiddily and the
Dee Dot's xxx
Victoria and Trinidad made it to the Spice Islands, but only the
Victoria sailed on to make it back to Spain and to prove to the World
that a round trip on water could be made. For lots more information on
Indonesia and her surrounding countries , just click to the left where
it says - Indonesia - it's as easy as that . xxx Dr. Dodiddily and the
Dee Dot's xxx
Just click on the index to the Left for the Country of your choice and enjoy. xxx
Dr. Dodiddily and the Dee Dot's.
I use an awful lot of Wilsons Clip Art throughout all five of my websites and never
been disappointed. xxx