Thursday, March 19, 2009




I say the new school is about to open, but who would believe that even though it was now the end of February and only three times had the little ones actually managed to make it to the school gates.
Christmas was well over and the New Year brought with it some very bad frost.It was so cold it actually froze the old mill stream quiet over, and as it wasn't very deep it became a fabulous skating lane, not very wide but well long, it was terrific. Those that had skates wore them, and those that didn't, just slid on their bottoms. He, he. That was most mornings sorted and then in the afternoon it was up to the Pentre Mawr and the football pitch, well the hill behind the football pitch really. The best place for sledging in the whole of Wales, so Grandfer Thomas used to say, Uncle Cled told them as he helped the little ones pull their sleighs back to the top. "Grand days them!" he spluttered, out of breath at the top of the bank.
"Grandfer Thomas, I have never heard of Grandfer Thomas before Uncle Cled." Immy said dragging little Wilhelmina Weasel out of the snow.
"Gerry! Toby! Will you please stop burying your sister in the snow. It is not very funny!" Eddy yelled after the vanishing sledge.
"Those young weasels are going to end up causing that young thing some harm one day." Added Uncle Cled, I think I shall have to talk to their mother and father. Young Willy goes through a lot of hasel, I shall be glad when the school opens." He frowned and shook his head,"What do you reckon to next Tuesday girls?" Eddy sat on her sled but didn't go anywhere."What! do you mean this Tuesday coming, the third?"
"Sounds like a good day to me, what you think Immy?" She shouted down the hill. "School to open next Tuesday, gives us the whole weekend to get it nice and warm! Sound OK to you?"
"Sounds great to me, I will be glad to get into a warm class room. It has not got as be as tiring as this, I'm exhausted Ed, and talk about being bruised. I think it will be a trip to Auntie Izzy's after tea to use the hot tub. I have been bashed, buffered, and bullied by every little one in the woods." Immy threw herself down on her sledge, her fur was plastered to her back, with as much mud, as snow covering it.
"Oh my goodness, what have you been doing down there? You look like you have been in a war and lost." Uncle Cled laughed.
"I have been, and I think I was the only one on my side. I am sure those little horrors were finding the molehills in the snow and I was pelted with half snow, half mud balls!" she rolled over in the clean snow, in the hope of removing some of the mud from her body.
"Come on you two, let's collect the little horrors and give them back to the Fingles Wood before it gets dark! So it's going to be March 3rd then is it. Great. Then it will be pay back time!" Immy and Eddy smiled at each other. "Give us five, On the side and with that the two girls rolled down the hill and flat out on the football pitch. To be easily set upon by a dozen or more of their would be School Children.

"ROLL ON TUESDAY!" Shouted Immy.

"ROLL ON MARCH 3RD!" Shouted Eddy.