Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dodie's Dream World : Blog

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Connie had lived next door for as long as I could remember. She had faded yellow lace curtains on her windows and inside her hall and living room, the wallpaper was stuck to the damp walls with drawing pins.
She did her washing every Thursday with a dolly-tub and mangle. Her back-yard was over grown with weeds and stank of cats wee.

When she was a young girl of eighteen she had fallen in love with a sparkle eyed sailor who had his way with her and then sailed away to China.
For a while he had written , and she kept his faded letters pressed between two sheets in a bottom drawer upstairs.

One day the Council decided her house was too damp and unfit for human habitation, so they moved Connie into a brand new Old Peoples Residential Estate somewhere off Lodge Lane, with an intercom on every door and a security guard on patrol at night, all Very nice!
But Connie didn't like it much. She always came back to Aigburth Road to do her shopping and before the year was out, she had died.
The Council renovated her house and moved in some young couple with a baby.
Some times I would hear the baby crying through the walls at night as I lay in bed reading the Lord of the Rings or listening to Captain Beefheart on the stereo.
Sometimes Connie's faithful old cats would reappear from nowhere to take up their customary places on her backyard wall, and yowl in the silvery moonlight.
Did you ever meet your sailor again, Connie?
Sailing some old junk over the starry bosom of the Milky River - what could you possibly have had to say to each other... I wonder?


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