Monday, February 14, 2011

Seligor's Castle, so much fun for all our children in the land. : Blogs

Seligor's Castle, so much fun for all our children in the land. : Blogs: "Mon, 14 Feb 2011
It's Smile Time with the Angels, Angel Jokes for you to tell your friends,

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Smile Time

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Do mermaids use knives and forks when they eat?
angel No, they use their fish fingers!

What did the sea say to the Little Mermaid?
angel Nothing, it just waved!

What has beautiful hair, a pretty face, two arms, a fish's tail, looks like a mermaid, but isn't a mermaid?
angel A photograph of a mermaid!

What did Little Red Riding-Hood say when she saw the big, bad wolf wearing sun-glasses?
angel Nothing . . . she didn't recognize him!

What did Little Red Riding-Hood say when she saw the big, bad wolf?
angel There's the big, bad wolf!

Who shouted 'Knickers!' at the big, bad wolf?
angel Little Rude Riding Hood!

What birds spend all their time on their knees ?
angel Birds of prey !

What do you call a woodpecker with no beak ?
angelA headbanger !

What does a queen bee do when she burps ?
angel Issues a royal pardon !

When is the best time to buy budgies ?
angel When they're going cheep !

What do bees do if they want to use public transport ?
angel Wait at a buzz stop !

What do you get if you cross a bee with a skunk ?
angel An animal that stinks and stings !

Why did Hansel eat all the liquorice off the witch's house?
angel It takes all sorts!

Why couldn't Cinders use horses to pull the Pumpkin Coach?
angel Because they were too busy playing stable tennis!

Why was Cinderella no good at playing hockey?
angel Because she was always running away from the ball!

What did the ogre get for his birthday?
angel Another year older!

What do you give an ogre with great big feet?
angel Lots of space.

Why do ogres wear flowery embroidered braces?
angel To hold their trousers up!

Why did the Ugly Duckling's parents fly south for the winter?
angel Because it was too far to walk!

Why do dragons sleep all day?
angel So that they can fight knights!

Smile Time

Posted 17:20
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