Diddilydeedot's Dreamland JAMES AND THE SHOULDER OF MUTTON YOUNG Jem at noon return'd from school, As hungry as could be, He cried to Sue, the servant-maid, "My dinner give to me. " Said Sue, "It is not yet come home; Quick to the baker's Jemmy went "Nay, Sir, " replied he prudently, "Papa, mamma, are both gone out, "A shoulder 'tis of mutton nice! He round the corner turn'd, But oh, sad fate! unlucky chance! The dish his fingers burn'd. Now in the kennel down fell dish, The people laugh'd, and rude boys grinn'd
"Impatience is a fault," cries Jem, Beautifully written by Adelaide O'Keeffe |
Monday, December 7, 2009
Diddily Dee Dot's Dreamland for Children Everywhere : Blog
Diddily Dee Dot's Dreamland for Children Everywhere : Blog