The Perfect Body Said little hands to little feet “You grow bigger every day” Said little feet to little hands
Why I can run and walk and jump And bang my soles together And wear the finest fur lined boots In wet and windy weather”
“Yes you can walk on land But to feel and touch the softest things You can only do with hands” “Oh no you can’”t said little feet “For carpets to are soft And I can walk on soft, soft hay That's in the farmers loft” Just then a voice boomed loud and clear “What a lot of rot you utter
You could only cough and splutter” Then with surprise the two brown eyes Looked down on all and said “ To see is the most important thing, now lets all go to bed” “ Without my legs you wouldn’t get there” “ And without my arms you’d freeze” “ For who would pull the covers up”
If hair was gone and ears were none We’d all look kind of shoddy
We make the perfect body Dorothy Milnes-Simm ©1985
Posted 19:35
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