Sunday, July 20, 2008

Diddily Dee Dot's Dreamland for Children Everywhere : Blog

Diddily Dee Dot's Dreamland for Children Everywhere : Blog" align="" lang="">
flower gardenCornflower ready for bed in her Nightie.

The Princess Cornflower Diaries.  

One of the many story's by Hans Christian

Andersen, this one I have decided
fits well with

the Princess Cornflower and her friends, for all

Googlenoks are named after the wild

flowers and grasses, as you may
have already

noticed. There is a new Peppercorn Green story

coming out after I
get back from Canada.

 Little Ida's Flowers

poor flowers are quite dead,” said little Ida, “they were so pretty
yesterday evening, and now all the leaves are hanging down quite
withered. What do they do that for,” she asked, of the student who sat
on the sofa; she liked him very much, he could tell the most amusing